Below are our articles on the subject of Health. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Coping With Alzheimer's Disease
Coping mechanisms for those who are suffering from Alzheimer’s disease as well as coping advice for carers of sufferers....

Coping With Arthritis
This article offers advice on coping with arthritis....

Coping With MS
This article offers advice on living and coping with MS....

Dealing With High Blood Pressure
This article offers advice on dealing with high blood pressure, including details on how to spot and manage the symptoms....

Dealing With Incontinence
Incontinence can be distressing and embarrassing but there are ways to cope with the condition....

Hip Replacements
This article discusses hip replacements....

How to Effectively Cope With Osteoporosis
This article offers advice on coping with osteoporosis, including information on medication and lifestyle changes....

Keeping Elderly Joints Supple
This article discusses how to keep your joints supple in old age when mobility is often declining....

Nutrition Advice for Healthy Bones and Joints in Retirement
This article discusses some of the vitamins and minerals that can keep your bones and joints healthy and supple....

Reducing The Risk of an Accident In The Home
This article offers advice on reducing the risk of accidents in the home....

Taking Care of Your Eyesight
This article offers advice on maintaining a healthy eyesight as you get older....

Using Supplements (eg Cod Liver oil) in Old Age
This article discusses taking supplements in your old age, particularly to help with your mobility....